The HOPE Program is specifically centered around providing resources to low-income families. This means you’ll be provided access to materials by FDIC insured financial groups and institutions, their loan products, and FHA loan programs (along with many more associated positive benefits.)
If you’re struggling in providing the initial sum for your down payment, you can ask one of our program attendees for information on Down Payment assistance to help you overcome that initial hurdle. There are also several programs instantiated with the purpose of lowering the initial percentage, to supplement your initial payments.
Gain access to hundreds of actual Realtors dedicated to providing the best in customer service for all of their clients, not just the ones purchasing high-value homes. Our teams work with the goal of procuring high-quality listings on affordable budget bases for clients working through financial issues, purchasing their first homes, or working on repairing their damaged credit. These resources can be used for home purchases anywhere inside the United States, so don’t be shy to look for a home somewhere a little further out than you had considered. There are thousands of listings to gain access to inside the US, so don’t be afraid to shop around.
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