Enjoy the Peace of Mind knowing that no matter what happens out on the road, you’ve got help whenever you need it. Keep you and your loved ones safe by having Premium Roadside Assistance that goes far beyond what other programs may offer. Imagine having Roadside Assistance 24 hours a day, that not only will come help you in the event of a breakdown, tow up to 100 miles, but also help with any legal issues, give travel fund reimbursement, and get you a rental car if yours is inoperable.
Emergency Road Service:
Battery Boost
Fuel Delivery
Tire Change
Lock-out Service
Wrecker Towing Service
Additional Benefits:
Arrest Bond***
Bail Bonds***
Attorneys Fees****
Stolen Vehicle Reward
Credit Card Protection
Free Discount Card for Prescriptions, Vision Care, and Dental
Emergency Reimbursement Benefits
Daily Hospital Benefit
Accidental Death Benefit
Travel Assistance Program